He is the Eternal.

Ḥusayn, son of ‘Ayn1

Wealth and children are the adornment of this present life; but good works, which are lasting, are better in the sight of thy Lord as to recompense, and better as to hope.2

This son hath been an adornment of the Most Exalted Paradise and we see him now, through God’s grace and bounty, engaged in sightseeing3 in the heavenly realms.

  • 1

    Inscription on the tombstone of Ḥusayn, son of the beloved Master. ‘Ayn is the first letter of his Father’s name, ‘Abbás.

  • 2

    Cf. Qur’án 18:46.

  • 3

    In the original Persian Bahá’u’lláh makes a fond play on the word “tamáshá” which means “sightseeing”, a word which the little child mispronounced as “tabáshá”, which has no meaning. Thus in the inscription: “we see Our ‘tabáshá’ now engaged in ‘tamáshá’ in the heavenly realms”.

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Last modified: 30 December 2022 10:00 a.m. (GMT)