
Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh


He is the All-Seeing from the Horizon of the Heaven of Knowledge.

O My handmaiden, O My leaf! Verily the Pen of the Most High hath borne witness unto thy recognition of Him, thy love for Him, and thy turning towards the Ancient Countenance at a time when the world hath rejected Him, save those whom God, the Most High, hath willed. This is the Day foretold by the Messenger of God,1 and before Him by the Spirit,2 and before Him by Him Who came with nine clear signs and was called the Interlocutor3 in My perspicuous Book.

O My leaf! All the Books of the past and the Messengers of God have given the people the glad-tidings of this hallowed, this most exalted Day; nevertheless, the ungodly, the ignorant, and the evil ones have arisen with utmost cruelty to uproot the Holy Tree. Well is it with thee for having adorned thyself with the ornament of the love of God and for having been enabled to make mention of Him and utter His praise. Divine grace, in its entirety, is in the mighty grasp of God, exalted be He. He conferreth it upon whomsoever He willeth. How many a man considered himself a celebrated divine and a repository of heavenly mysteries, and yet when the slightest test visited him, he arose with such opposition and denial as to cause the Concourse on high to moan and lament. Through the bestowals of the Lord, however, and His infinite favour, thou hast attained unto the hidden secret and the well-guarded treasure. Preserve then, in the name of God, this lofty station and conceal it from the eyes of betrayers. The glory shining from the horizon of My Kingdom be upon thee and upon every handmaiden who hath attained the splendours of My sublime Throne.


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