
Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá’u’lláh


He is God, exalted be He: Wisdom and utterance are His wont.

O people of the Caucasus! Baṭḥá (Mecca) hath flowed with water, and the Supreme Horizon hath been suffused with light! By My life! The countenance of Ḥijáz hath been wreathed in smiles, inasmuch as the Tabernacle of Majesty hath been pitched upon the slopes of Carmel, and the Day-Star of Revelation hath shone forth from the horizon of the Will of God, after the veils of glory had been rent asunder by the finger of Divine omnipotence.…

O people of the Caucasus! He that was named ‘Abdu’l-Karím1 came unto you and announced unto you this Mystery, in remembrance of which men’s hearts have been enkindled, and in separation from which their souls have been consumed. He, verily, held fast the cord of Mine allegiance and clung to the hem of the mercy of His Lord, the Lord of all men.…

O people of the Caucasus! Give ear unto the call of this Wronged One! This is that call for the purpose of hearing which the peoples of the world have, from a state of utter nothingness, been brought into existence.…

O people of the world! The fruits of the tree of man are justice and fair-mindedness. Should he not be possessed of these fruits, he is fit but for the fire. Pride hath blinded both their outer and their inner vision. The world is in need of two things: order and justice.…

‘Abdu’l-Karím was an exemplar of this Most Great Revelation. Like unto the breeze of dawn, He blew from the quarter of Divine bounty. He himself was aflame with the fire of love for this Revelation, while a portion of the ocean of understanding had been bestowed upon him. This was a token of God’s favour unto him.…

O people of the Caucasus! In conclusion of this utterance, We admonish you to observe trustworthiness, piety, chastity, honesty, and fidelity. In this day, and from this time forth, the hosts of God are none other but goodly deeds and a praiseworthy character. Aid ye the True One with these hosts.…

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